Friday, April 20, 2012

Plans for the Weekend

This weekend I will walk my second 5K.  This 5K is truly a walk.  It's a fundraising event for the National MS Society.  I'm participating in the MS Walk for the first time.  I've followed the event for years, but the timing has never worked out.  I'm so happy to be able to join in this year.  We'll be walking around downtown Annapolis, MD as a group in bright Hawaiian shirts.  It's going to be a blast!

And for a wonderful cause.  In the past 10 years, my life has been personally affected by MS.  I do not have it, but two of my family members do.  I can say that watching their struggles provides motivation for me to get my health in order as well as participate in an event like this.  This is something I can do to help them as well as help myself meet my goals.  I love when I'm reaching goals efficiently.  *smile*

Looking at the website, there are other events all around the country.  In Washington DC later this year there is a Challenge MS event.  Challenge Walks are 30 - 50 mile walks over 2 - 3 days.  There are 10 of them going on this year.  Imagine walking 30 miles is 2 days.  What an inspiring way to raise awareness for a disease which robs people of their ability to move.  Maybe I could do something like that.

I'm not signing up today.  Just thinking about it right now.  My focus has to be getting healthy and out of PT before I take on something like a 30 mile walk.  I imagine my physical therapist would have more than a few choice words for me if I presented the idea right now.  But walking 5K is an approved and encouraged event.  One which I am very very excited to do on Sunday!

Please consider supporting me and my team by making a donation today.  Thank you!

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