Tuesday, February 7, 2012

PT: Day 5

Friday was a good day leading into a great weekend.  Here's my PT regimen:

6min Elliptical Warmup on level 2
Warmup Hip Stretches
Wall Ball Abduction - 20 reps each leg
Side Steps - 75 in each direction
Cage Stretch
Bosu Squats - 20 reps with 5 sec hold
Leg Extension - 20 reps each legModified Side Plank - 10 Reps
One Legged Squat and Place
Kneeling Leg Extension - 10 reps each leg
This was a new exercise.  I kneel like in the table pose.  The therapist puts a light bar on my back similar to a broom handle.  Then I extend my leg back and up without letting the bar roll around.  The exercise itself wasn't terribly hard, but it did take my a few moments to tell my body what to do. 
Side-lying Abduction on Swiss Ball - 10 reps

So I realized that I'd totally forgotten to put my ellpitical warmup before my PT exercises.  I've done this everyday since day one.  The point of it is just to get the blood pumping and body warmed up for the more strenuous warmup ahead.

Heading home from PT, the sun was shining and I was feeling pretty good.  So good in fact that I decided to ditch the van at my house and walk over to day care to pick up my girls.  With my 5K planned for this coming Saturday, 2 miles did not seem like something I should shy away from on a nice day.  I unloaded the stroller my the van and headed on my way and...

60 minutes walking with stroller (25 mins with 25 pounds in the sroller; 5 mins with 60 pounds n the stroller)
5 minute stretch

It was wonderful!  I felt good.  My shoulders ached a little the next day, but that won't be a problem during my 5K as I'm not going to be pushing a stroller.  My girls enjoyed the fresh air and we even got to pickup some stuff along the way (gum balls, pine cones, a big stick).  I also now know that my 3 year old can run for about 15 straight minutes with only slight pauses before she is DONE.  It was very cute and I am extremely thankful I had the stroller with me.  I look forward to being able to run along side her in the very near future.

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