I haven't written in over 6 years. What can I say? Life got busy and I hung in there with it. Some times I think I might have even made some of the crazy myself. But that might be a story for another day.
For today, I'm thinking of blogging here again. I've taken on a lot of things over the past 6 years - cross country drives, debt, moving, international travel, sock knitting, workaholism (I had to look up this noun) - and smashed my goals. Other things are still a glimmer in my eye like distance hiking (which I've romanticized) and sweater knitting (which I'm on attempt number two with so much more road ahead).
Other things haven't gone so well. I started this blog when I realized that I had a large amount of weight to lose. I've returned to it as I've dug the hole even deeper on that front. The regularity with which I used to visit the gym is gone. And my moods haven't exactly benefitted from these changes.
But I'm starting to make changes again. And I need to write. I need to remind myself that I CAN DO THIS! I need to insist to you that YOU can do this too - whatever "this" might mean to you.
Today we will start with this simple entry. Just like the gym membership I used for the first time this morning, start small. Momentum needs time to build.